Couplet Baby Care in Rooming-In

Couplet Baby Care in Rooming-In

Couplet Baby Care – In Mother/Baby, you will begin to adjust to life as a new family. You will learn basic care for your baby, such as changing diapers, how to feed and comfort your baby.


You are encouraged to keep your baby in your room with you at all times we call this “rooming-in.” This time spent together helps you become more comfortable in caring for your new baby. With your baby nearby, rooming-in facilitates bonding and helps regulate your baby’s sleep cycle. Nurseries have bright lights, noise and other distractions that can interfere with a baby’s body rhythms. And surprisingly, a new mother actually sleeps better when her baby is in her room. Rooming-in helps a new mom get “in sync” with her baby’s sleep cycles and feeding patterns.

While rooming-in, you and your nurse are caring for your baby together so you can benefit from the nurse’s experience in caring for newborns. And, while our nurses care for your baby, they are also taking care of you. Just let your nurse know what you need. Skin-to-skin contact has wonderful benefits for both parent and baby.

Your couplet baby’s pediatrician will examine your baby in your room, offering you another opportunity to learn how to care for your baby before you go home.


While you are in the hospital, a member of the lactation team will visit you to assist with any breastfeeding concerns or problems. Your Mother/Baby nurse will also be happy to answer your questions and assist you with feedings.

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6 thoughts on “Couplet Baby Care in Rooming-In

  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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